View My Complete Profile
Someone explain the "view my complete profile" phenomenon. I've gotten in the habit of checking this little blogging statistic almost as often as I check my comments. I don't understand what all makes the profile views number increase. Obviously, when a new stalker checks out the blog, that would make the number go up. But it has to be more than that. Before today, I had been "stuck" at 1491 for days, maybe even weeks. I haven't noticed any new commenters on my blog, and I've only posted a couple of times in the last week or so. Last night, my profile number was still holding steady at 1491. Then BAM! today I check my profile views, and I'm up to 1510. I didn't even post last night. What would make my profile views jump 19 in less than 24 hours with no new post and no new commenters?
I used to think Blogger randomly increased people's profile view numbers so they would think people were still interested and new crowds were being attracted every day, but Jason's, I mean The Wuertley's, link on my blog as stayed steady for the past several weeks, and he has posted new stuff.
Then I thought maybe when I posted something new, that Blogger would automatically increase my number to make me think more people were reading, thus inspiring me to write more. But like I mentioned above, I haven't posted in a week and my number jumped today.
Maybe it has to do with how much I comment on other people's blogs. If I comment on Jane Doe's blog (which I don't comment on anyone's blog that isn't somehow linked in our mad blog circle) then Jane Doe's aunt may click on "Deb" to see who I am, thus boosting my number. But, I haven't commented on anyone's blog in quite a few days, either (I am still reading, though.)
It's very perplexing.
A few updates from the 20 minute blog - yes, I was at Wal-Mart on Saturday night at 10:30 buying a pair of black pants, no the sheets have not been changed, yes, I have shaved my legs, no the Holiday Turkey did not get decorated, yes yes to the Bible and prayer, no no no to the lazy susan and back refrigerator and scrapbook, yes yes yes to the Racko (Elizabeth is going down tonight - she's won 2 nights in a row our series to 500), the laundry, and the cleaning out of the car, no no no to Moonlight Sonata (anon, I'm going to start practicing up for your personal enjoyment) dance dance revolution, the thank you notes, and any of the organizing. It's not a bad start.
I used to think Blogger randomly increased people's profile view numbers so they would think people were still interested and new crowds were being attracted every day, but Jason's, I mean The Wuertley's, link on my blog as stayed steady for the past several weeks, and he has posted new stuff.
Then I thought maybe when I posted something new, that Blogger would automatically increase my number to make me think more people were reading, thus inspiring me to write more. But like I mentioned above, I haven't posted in a week and my number jumped today.
Maybe it has to do with how much I comment on other people's blogs. If I comment on Jane Doe's blog (which I don't comment on anyone's blog that isn't somehow linked in our mad blog circle) then Jane Doe's aunt may click on "Deb" to see who I am, thus boosting my number. But, I haven't commented on anyone's blog in quite a few days, either (I am still reading, though.)
It's very perplexing.
A few updates from the 20 minute blog - yes, I was at Wal-Mart on Saturday night at 10:30 buying a pair of black pants, no the sheets have not been changed, yes, I have shaved my legs, no the Holiday Turkey did not get decorated, yes yes to the Bible and prayer, no no no to the lazy susan and back refrigerator and scrapbook, yes yes yes to the Racko (Elizabeth is going down tonight - she's won 2 nights in a row our series to 500), the laundry, and the cleaning out of the car, no no no to Moonlight Sonata (anon, I'm going to start practicing up for your personal enjoyment) dance dance revolution, the thank you notes, and any of the organizing. It's not a bad start.