I don't even know if I spelled the title of this post right, but hey, it's Mothers' Day, so cut me some slack!
It's almost been a month since my last post, and even then it took an earthquake to prompt me to write. What is the cause for my long dry spell? I could say it is the end of the school year which is the busiest time at work for me. I could say it is because with springtime came time to work in the garden, so every free minute on a nice day was spent outside. I could say it is because springtime also brought soccer games, tennis matches, piano recitals, and daylight savings time which made the evening seem longer than it really was. But the REAL reason for my lack of posting...Webkinz. Yes, Webkinz, the furry little stuffed animals that kids buy to give them a code to a virtual pet world where they nurture their pet (or pets) and buy them things. The way you earn money to buy the things your pet needs is to play games. Even though these games are geared for kids, they can also be quite challenging for adults, and the more levels you complete on a particular game, the more points and "money" you earn to spend on your pet. There are three games in particular that are fun to play and also earn my kids quite a bit of money - Cash Cow, Cash Cow 2, and Hide n Skunk. Cash Cow is a cross between Bubblepop and Tetris, and Hide n Skunk is a replica of Minesweeper, except instead of mines there are skunks and instead of flags there are flowers. I can't seem to get past Level 9 in Cash Cow and Level 12 in Hide n Skunk. If any of you out there have ever gotten to a higher level than those, please let me know - I need a little competition to further my game. Oh wait, I guess most adults don't play these games. I mean if your kids have gotten past these levels, please let me know.