Wednesday, June 27, 2007

How Firm A Foundation

Jason's grandmother Wilfa Moorman went to be with Jesus this past Sunday morning. The viewing was yesterday, and the funeral was today.

I didn't see Grandma Moorman a whole lot - holidays, major family events, a random visit here or there. I didn't have long, sit down conversations with her; we would exchange hellos and pleasantries and show off the kids. After today's service, however, I feel like I know her much better now than before, and I am struck by the amazing legacy that she quietly left behind.

A business person from World Gospel Mission spoke at the funeral. Grandma Moorman worked in the accounting department at World Gospel Mission for many years. He painted us a beautiful picture of what Heaven may be like right now for Grandma - Kenyans, Bolivians, Hondurans, all greeting her in Heaven, thanking her for her part through World Gospel Mission in them accepting Jesus Christ.

Another gentleman spoke about Grandma, saying that you couldn't help but fall in love with her, and he couldn't think of one unkind thing to say about her. I believe him whole heartedly.

Her pastor spoke of her and Grandpa's faithfulness in the church, in reading the Bible, and praying for others.

The service ended with a tape recording of Grandpa and Grandma Moorman singing "Each Step I Take," a song stating that every step they take is one closer to the Lord. How fitting for a service like this. It was beautiful.

After the service the family had one last chance to say goodbye. She has 7 children, 20 some grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren, all but a few in attendance. It was obvious the impact that this woman had on her family. As my grandpa would say " Not a scrub in the bunch." Since Jason and I have been married for 10 years, I have gotten to know Jason's aunts and uncles, and I have a lot of respect for them. I enjoy watching the interactions between 7 brothers and sisters. And of course I've really gotten to know my mother-in-law, and she and my father-in-law are amazing people who are continuing the legacy that was started generations ago.

I started fast forwarding into the future (the very far future, hopefully,) wondering what people will be saying about me at my funeral. "She played okay at short field in softball." "Didn't she have a blog?" "I think she attended our church." To have them say anything close about me like they did Grandma Moorman is one lofty goal. Just sitting in that service today, listening to the testamonies, made me want to be a better Christian, a better wife, a better mother, and a better servant. That's what Grandma Moorman's life was - a great example of what the above should be. I know that just a little from personal observation, but a lot from the impact she had on others and her family.

Watching the girls in this process was interesting. Anna just matter-of-fact accepts the fact that Grandma is sleeping and is now with Jesus. Elizabeth was much more emotional, then started questioning on the way to the cemetary. What if it's all made up? What if the Bible isn't true and there isn't really a heaven and when you die, that's it? Then we won't see Grandma again. We had a quick conversation on faith, but it's hard to explain such hard things when I don't fully understand myself. It was quite comical to listen to Jason and I try to explain to Anna that Grandma is with Jesus, even though she was right there in front of us.

This post is kind of all over the place, but the service today really had an impact on me, and understanding the life Grandma Moorman lived really impacted me. We sang the song How Firm a Foundation, and I think about the foundation that has been laid for our family, on both sides (mine and Jason's) and feel like I am falling short of where I need to be for our girls to continue that heritage. I want to strive to continue that firm foundation for our family. As I passed by Grandma for the last time, I leaned down into her ear and whispered "Thank you," to thank her for her life, her witness, the example she was to her children, and I know right now she is reaping the rewards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have already begun that firm foundation of your own; you and Jason have already started that heritage building with your family. We all should not only think more about the legacy we will leave but we should also act upon our thoughts. You've given us all some rich thoughts to ponder.

June 27, 2007 10:33 PM  
Blogger Deb said...

I noticed you didn't comment on my RadioU post - aren't you sad it may leave?

June 27, 2007 10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is RadioU leaving permanently or just until September? Will it change considerably if IWU takes it over? I guess I'm really out of the loop on this one! Your editorial comments were clear, concise, correct, and persuasive with the RadioU audience in mind. I hope you do sent it to the C-T. Is that enough comment? :) Seriously, your comments were great. I'm just not a participating audience for that one. However, Terri and Rob thought it was good.

June 28, 2007 12:46 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

My understanding is it will be off air until September. Then in September IWU will take over programming, students will be doing stuff, and the music that will be played will be more like that of WBCL or WFRN - Paul Crisp called it Way FM or something like that. So RadioU will not be back. I e-mailed both Randall King and Scott Turcott, both e-mailed back and said no decision was made yet (although from the article and from Paul, it sounds like I know which way they are leaning.) Scott said he didn't feel a letter to the editor was appropriate, that I should collect signatures instead. My problem is that I am not involved with teens or college kids, and most college kids aren't even around right now. I told him I would hold off for now in sending in the letter and try to contact youth leaders today, but I just realized this week is teen camp, so I don't know how successful I will be at that. Then I thought about e-mailing the writer of the article to see if she could do a follow up article asking people to e-mail a certain address in support of radioU. What do you think?

June 28, 2007 9:04 AM  
Blogger Kelley said...

I loved this post. It made me think so much of my grandparents and I feel much the same way. I don't even feel like i'm in the ballpark. BTW- you are a terrific short-fielder; don't sell yourself short! ;) I was also going to comment about your RadioU blog. I don't listen and have no idea what you're talking about, but I thought your letter was excellent. Do they play Kenny Chesney on there? Just kidding! :) We missed ya the other night. :)

June 28, 2007 11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a good idea; it's almost a petition/gathering signatures via email. Why does the IWU version have to be like WBCL? I doubt that many college students listen regularly to that station with that style of music/talk. Can you contact teen camp at all? This timing would seem ideal if you could.

June 28, 2007 12:50 PM  
Blogger Anon said...

Well, Mom appears on your blog. I see her peeking at mine, but she's not brave enough to comment. She's still in denial about me being part of the family, I guess. :)

Good post.

June 28, 2007 2:16 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

Welcome back to the wonderful world of blogging Deb!!!! Two posts on your blog yesterday and multiple comments on mine yesterday and today!!! Whooo Hooo!!! Good to have you back.

June 28, 2007 4:29 PM  
Blogger Anon said...

Naomi's in the house!

Check out comment #11 on my current post.


July 01, 2007 2:42 PM  
Blogger Anon said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you!

I forgot to say that on the phone. I'm an idioooooot.

Happy Birthday to you!

July 06, 2007 2:05 PM  
Blogger Tim and Laurie said...


I was searching on things said about WGM on blogs and came across your post. How interesting to read someone's thoughts on something you said. I also posted my thoughts on that service on my blog (which I am just getting started at) By the way, I know your father-in-law pretty well as he has helped us buy two houses. Jason may not remember it, but he did an appraisal on our current home a couple of years back.

September 03, 2007 8:34 AM  

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